PNNL: High-Performance Computing
PNNL: Global Arrays Toolkit

ComEx Performance

The following figure shows the performance of the Blocking Get operation on the NERSC Edison system (--with-dmapp), which uses the Cray Aries Network.

The following figure shows the performance of the Blocking Get operation on the NERSC Hopper system (--with-dmapp), which uses the Cray Gemini Network.

The following figure shows the performance of the Blocking Get operation using the OpenFabrics (--with-ofa) device on the PNNL Institutional Computing (PIC) system, which uses Mellanox InfiniBand QDR Network.

The following figure shows the performance of the Blocking Get operation using the MPI Two-sided compatibility port (--with-mpi-ts), which uses MPI send/recv communication primitives to implement the one-sided primitives of ComEx. This port is intended to for desktops, laptops, or any system which is not natively supported by ComEx.


The research and development on ComEx is supported by Extreme Scale Computing Initiative, Center for Programming Models for Scalable Parallel Computing, Environmental and Molecular Science Laboratory and grants from Intel.